your listening pleasure:
Star-Spangled Banner
composed in commemoration of Jimi Hendrix' performance as the
last act at Woodstock '69, and released on the 30th anniversary
of same, this piece has become one of the more popular on this
and other sites. In light of the recent events challenging
America and its resolve (at least!), I put this up here, and
present it to you thusly: While this rendition of the National
Anthem inspired in part by John Cage may be a bit
different-sounding than the song you would otherwise be familiar
with, does this not reflect the way America is? While it
is certainly not the same as the original Francis Scott Key
arrangement, the notes are the same. America
endures nonetheless.
I've converted the above to the
major formats, so that you may enjoy them without having to subject
yourself to the hidden cookies, pop-up adverts, and God-knows-what-else
that Real/AOL has up their sleeve for us. Even Sony plays Windows
Media format now, which has a much higher quality than Real formats
kind enough to play my music are found below:

Current Projects:
x |
Songs for
This is
a collection of pieces inspired by places around London and other places
like LA that concern themselves with public and other transit.
Titles include Buses On Diversion,
Mind the Gap, Roundabout, Tea Break, and Way Out and might give the impression that these
are primarily British-inspired. Assumption is of course dangerous.
Progress is beginning to bear fruit on this collection, and the first
versions of "Tabla Tale" may find their way here soon.
Like, "before 2007." Okay, perhaps later. Bloody
workmen! (note in 2008: "Well, we're done and I'm going to do more
on this web site at last.")
1 |
from a Tunnel
is a set of pieces originating from years of playing ambient acoustic
bowed guitar in the San Gabriel Canyon's unfinished Tunnels, which you
may have read about on this site for several years! Originally in this
collection are "For Absent Friends", Dragon on Glass Lake,
Fever Dream, and other classics. While I'm doing everything but
getting the CD done, like moving in with my Mum-in-Law, In the meantime the industrious may find the
individual songs at the MP3Station, IUMA, and many other sites!
All of my music is on sites that actually have an
intention to pay the artists who produce the work they broadcast now. If
you want to know more about my opinions on the music biz, go here.
'S' |
release, now reshuffled. Back-shelved in the interest of other
works, but as a result there are several volumes of this material, to be
subtitled '2', '3' and so on..
3 |
Club Meditation |
is a collection of 15 pieces designed to be used in meditative
activity. In this
I have tried especially to create pieces with no rough edges, and
hopefully creating sonic pockets of peace in which you may find same.
The only criticism I've ever had about this collection is that the
pieces aren't long enough for one listener, who has prompted me to do
another version of Club Meditation that will eventually find its way onto
a DVD Audio release due to the sheer size of 15 or so 20-minute
a streaming video company, chose Club Meditation XIV to be the
backing music for footage at trade shows and on their
web site. We've not heard from those folks in a while, and
the web site is down. Next?)
The Loop Of The Week #255: 5 January 2009
now we return to the things we love the best. Lots of things have
obviously happened in a little over 30 months: The house was finished,
my parents finally saw the inside of the place and had an English
Christmas, and we put the house on the market. Great timing huh?
brief-for-now version: My formerly-crushed left middle finger has
gotten better and I've been able to play for a little over a year now;
I've performed several times in online concerts, the latest at's
NYE 2009. I'm also working on new material again, some of it
destined for an Ambient DVD for hopefully this year. And of
course, the Loop Of The Week is back. Hello again!
of course
for the fine print:
that downloading any of the forms of the Loop Of The Week is a
clear indication of acceptance that you never represent this work as anyone
else's under US Copyright Law and the copyright laws of the rest of the
world; and that you
never use this work in public performance or composition without my permission.
In addition the files made available below have been pre-scanned for
your protection to assure their safety in use, and therefore free from
spyware, adware, malware, trojans, and any other current violations of
RIAA and Big Five's efforts to keep independent musicians from being
able to produce their own work continues, despite multiple failures on
their part to manipulate copyright law and royalties rulings.
Diligence will win this fight, and also assure that a bunch of elderly
cigar-chomping dinosaurs will someday stop trying to shove
creatively-bankrupt acts at the public. Think of the advantages of
creative freedom. If you're frightened about them, you're either
misinformed or realize you're one of the dinosaurs I'm talking about.
to know more? Check out the Copyright Office's page about what
this all means to all of us at
- from there you can make your voice heard! Tell them you don't
like democracy bought and paid for by anyone!
to EarthLight Productions Home Page
contents (excepting links) ©1995-2009
Stephen P. Goodman/EarthLight Productions,
all rights reserved.
Any use without permission unless explicitly specified
Stephen P. Goodman/EarthLight Productions
is expressly forbidden under
U.S. Copyright law, as flawed as it is. The law, not the web page. Have
a cookie.